git commit amend

Git Amend Tutorial: Rewrite Git History

How to edit pushed git commit message?

lesson #13 - git commit --amend command

How to exit Git Bash commit message window in Windows

Git: изменить последний коммит (git commit --amend)

[Git] Como editar um commit - amend

Change a Git Commit in the Past with Amend and Rebase Interactive

19. Modify or Change the last or latest commit using the amend command in the GIT Project - GIT

Amend a commit with `git commit --amend`

VS Code tips — Amending git commits

How to EDIT, UNDO or CHANGE the last Git commit message with AMEND

Git Commit - Amend : modifier le dernier commit

How to add forgotten files with git commit --amend

Git: change an older commit with rebase interactive

Learn how to rewrite Git history - Amend, Reword, Delete, Reorder, Squash and Split

How to modify last commit in github | Edit latest commit using amend command | git commit --amend

5.3 Git – Reset – Правка последнего коммита: commit --amend

git commit amend | Git and Github Tutorial | Rewriting History | Hello GIT |Learning GIT from basics

git commit amend

Change Git Commit Messages Tutorial

GIT: GIT COMMIT --AMEND, GIT REBASE. Como reescribir el historial de Git.

Git - 18: Lệnh git commit --amend

14. Editando commits com amend - Git e Github na Vida Real

How to modify git commit message for pushed commits